Realmspace is back, Boo is there, he has his own manual! I mean, words! How do I even express what Wizards of the Coast has dropped on Dungeons and Dragons today? It’s INCREDIBLE to finally see a company realizing that people before the year 2000 still exist. Spelljammer was always near and dear to my heart. I loved the campaign setting. The cute nods even in the Baldur’s Gate games with Boo being considered a miniature giant space hamster. It was absolutely iconic!
Now, that wonder that holds the same magic as Treasure Planet is returning. Having just completed Curse of Strahd in recent months with possibly the most epic group I’ve ever played with, I’m thrilled to see that our next adventure is going to be in the stars.
What could be better?
It’s a collected pack! It comes with a campaign book, a content book called Boo’s Astral Menagerie, and an overall setting book. Plus a dungeon masters screen, a double sided poster, and… what’s that? An incredibly great price tag?? Yup! Pre-orders are up for just $70 for ALL this content!
Is this real? Is this still April 1st?? What sphere of reality am I in?
We’ll certainly be covering more news on all this and we’re THRILLED to see Spelljammer returning to the D&D worlds. The intro video to Baldur’s Gate 3 was an incredible treat. This, this is just unbelievable!